Find rest, laughter, recreation, and good food.

Cohorts are one of the greatest, most impactful, life-changing things you can do as a Pastor. Why? One word, relationships. Over 50% of pastors recently said in a survey that they don’t have any real friends and they feel alone and isolated. Pastoring can be lonely, leadership can be hard, and nobody truly understands what we go through other than pastors. That’s why getting into an environment with other pastors who aren’t there to talk about their churches, but about their lives is so valuable. To sit next to someone who doesn’t need anything from you, but wants to be there for you. That’s what happens in a cohort! The best part is because we have partners who believe in you and want to invest in you, the launch retreat you go on at the very beginning of this journey doesn’t require money, it just takes courage. It takes the courage to step into a new environment and meet new pastors and friends to encourage you and speak life into you.

  • We host our launch retreats to be restful and relaxing. We offer various activities, but none are required. Some of the activities include:

    • Rest

    • Laughter

    • Recreation (Golfing, Fishing, Hiking, and more are all optional activities for you depending on location)

    • Naps

    • Good Food

  • YES. A healthy spouse is one of the key indicators of a healthy pastor, if they’re married of course. However, one of the most overlooked, forgotten, and in many cases abused people in the church is the pastor’s wife. That’s why your cohort also includes a retreat for your wife to join other pastor’s wives in Destin, Florida for 4 days of much-needed rest and relaxation. We have a phenomenal team of women and pastor’s wives ready to host this trip to see a tremendous healing and rejuvenation take place in the life of your wife.

  • After the launch retreat, you can decide if you want to join an annual cohort that will allow you to join the same group of guys each year for another retreat to continue building relationships and resting as well as connection throughout the year on the monthly cohort video calls and coaching opportunities



  • At the retreat, we will ask you one question about which area of ministry or life that you need help in. We compile that list and offer monthly video meetings to connect and grow together. During these cohort calls, we will bring in experts from around the country to speak to these areas with the intent of helping you grow and develop in these areas.

  • You can choose to continue in the cohort for the following year or opt-out at any time. 

  • Because of the generosity of our amazing sponsors and partners, the cost for an annual cohort is only $3,900 for the year and includes everything we mentioned above. The retreat for you, the retreat for your wife, the 12 months of cohort calls, and one-on-one care for you from one of our Pastor to Pastor team members. 

    We want you to be aware of a couple of things with this cost. First, we don’t want you to shoulder the cost. We can help you incorporate this into your national missions budget as Pastor to Pastor becomes a national missions partner for your church. This is possible because a portion of your cohort package goes into the Pastor to Pastor ministry to support other pastors nationwide. If you need a vote from a board of elders, deacons, or trustees, we have letters you can give your board members that lay out all the info they would need to be able to do this for you. Secondly, if there is still a financial issue, then contact us and let us see if there is a sponsorship available for you. We don’t want funds to be the reason you don’t get the help you need.

Does this sound like something you need? Of course, it does. Because we all need it. Every great pastor you know who is thriving in ministry has a group of pastors around them they can lean on, trust in, and be real with. The majority of those pastors met those friends on a retreat. Now it’s your turn. Click below to fill out a form and find out when the next available retreat is. By filling out the form you’re not signing up for anything, just letting us contact you for your next steps. If you’re skeptical or uncertain, then we encourage you to start with a launch retreat. We are confident that by the end of that trip, you will experience what you know you need for the rest of your life. Then you can make the decision about whether or not an annual cohort is for you.