The Pain In The Pruning Process
Pastor Brad Livingston Pastor Brad Livingston

The Pain In The Pruning Process

“They left the church too?” A thought we’ve all had when it seems like the ones we said would never leave, left. I’m not talking about the people who created occasional problems, stirred up issues, or made ministry difficult...

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Why Am I So Stressed Out?
Pastor Robert Pooley Pastor Robert Pooley

Why Am I So Stressed Out?

The doctor who was on call informed me that I had experienced a “heart incident.” I asked him what that meant and he said that the numbers were showing something had happened but they weren’t sure what at that point. I explained to them that I was on vacation and I would check in with my cardiologist when I got back home from vacation.

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The Pastor’s Wife…But Who Cares?
Pastor Dan Livingston Pastor Dan Livingston

The Pastor’s Wife…But Who Cares?

It is without a doubt that the pastor's wife is the most overlooked and often discarded person in the church. So much is expected of the pastor’s wife. From supporting her husband, co-leading the church, managing her home, raising her children, being the example of a model Christian woman….

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The Guilt Of Rest Pt. 2 - Be Careful What You Listen To.
Pastor Brad Livingston Pastor Brad Livingston

The Guilt Of Rest Pt. 2 - Be Careful What You Listen To.

I remember sitting in the office with my lead team of pastors talking through a situation that had arisen in our church. An accusation was made toward a member, an investigation was completed, and the accusation was unfounded and illegitimate. What made this particular situation even more difficult was…

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The Fear Of The Weekly Schedule
Pastor Robert Pooley Pastor Robert Pooley

The Fear Of The Weekly Schedule

Ministry has challenges. No, I get it. It’s not fresh information. But it’s a daily truth, and sometimes when we look at our calendar for the week, there are all kinds of things we are facing that just might be difficult. Do you ever overthink those kind of things…

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The Game Has Changed. So Change The Way You Play It.
Pastor Brad Livingston Pastor Brad Livingston

The Game Has Changed. So Change The Way You Play It.

Then it happened again in 1984 with a new player out of Wilmington, North Carolina named Michael Jordan. This tenacious, daunting, unrelenting competitor would take no prisoners, and create false rivals just to hate his opponents. With the ball in his hands, you stood to your feet because you knew you were about to see something great. He was a high-flying, fast-cutting, athletic powerhouse who would not be denied his greatness. He would be known as…

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I Need A Friend
Pastor Dan Livingston Pastor Dan Livingston

I Need A Friend

While reading the book “Changes That Heal” by Dr. Henry Cloud, I came upon a chapter that focused on the topic of “bonding.” It immediately caught my attention knowing the statistics on pastors. Forty two percent of pastors stated that they would leave the ministry today if they could financially survive in another occupation. The top reason given was the issue of anxiety. The second reason was isolation, the place of feeling all alone. I personally believe that these were reversed in order before covid, but can totally understand their position post-covid…

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Reality Vs. Expectation
Pastor Robert Pooley Pastor Robert Pooley

Reality Vs. Expectation

When I was a kid, I believed that I was created for the summer. I loved everything about summer time, the beaches, ponds, creeks, swimming pools, riding our bikes, camping in the woods near our house, and so much more. Summer time was a time of freedom, fun, and pushing the boundaries. I’ll never forget the summer when I was 11 years old.

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When Ministry Doesn’t Feel Like Home - Pt 2
Pastor Brad Livingston Pastor Brad Livingston

When Ministry Doesn’t Feel Like Home - Pt 2

As I sat and read through the original blog post, “When Ministry Doesn’t Feel Like Home”, I thought about the necessary focus we all must have as pastors in “the end” more than “the now”. I’ve referenced how God graciously reminded me of what He called me to in other Pastor to Pastor blogs. At my church, we’ve made it a point to start the process of discipling through the lens of eschatology. We need to make sure we’re building disciples…

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A Matter Of The Heart
Pastor Dan Livingston Pastor Dan Livingston

A Matter Of The Heart

What was Jesus really saying when he made the statement, “Blessed are the pure in heart” What was he truly referring to when he made what seemed like such a simple statement to those desiring to follow him? To his followers he could be speaking of their outward motives and actions. To many in that day the heart was directly related to the seat of one's emotions…

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The Guilt Of Rest
Pastor Brad Livingston Pastor Brad Livingston

The Guilt Of Rest

“I can’t believe you are taking a break to rest. How dare you!”

This statement rings in my head constantly when I find myself in moments of rest. The very first time I sat on my couch on a Wednesday at 1:00 in the afternoon while my team was at the office working, I heard this lie in my head. I almost got up, got dressed, and went to the office to work on something, anything! I just couldn’t process the idea…

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Radical Reconstruction Of A Pastor
Pastor Dan Livingston Pastor Dan Livingston

Radical Reconstruction Of A Pastor

We as pastors are just as human as the people we minister to. We know it. We tell them. Yet so often we live our lives as though we are immortal. The fact is oftentimes we are the most broken and hurting in our church. We just can't let anyone know it. Trying to minister out of this hurt and brokenness will eventually lead to our own destruction. STOP. TAKE A MOMENT.

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The Storms Of Doubt
Pastor Dan Livingston Pastor Dan Livingston

The Storms Of Doubt

If God is so good, why do I feel so bad? If his message is so clear, why do I feel so confused? If he genuinely cares about me, then why do I feel so all alone? Do I throw in the towel like many others or do I stand and weather the storm. Tough questions that during our time of pain seem to come with little or no answers.

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God Is For Us
Pastor Brad Livingston Pastor Brad Livingston

God Is For Us

As ministers we so often fall into the trap of allowing our current situation to distort the lens we see God through and skew what God tells us in His Word. We read this text in most cases as, “When everyone and everything in life is against me, I hope God is with me.”

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The Struggle Of Pain
Pastor Robert Pooley Pastor Robert Pooley

The Struggle Of Pain

The truth is, most of us tend to try to conceal our pain. Why? It’s the work of our old friend, fear. I knew if I told my Mom about the pain, she would do everything possible to help me find relief. I also knew that there would be consequences for breaking family rules, and at this point, the fear of the consequences was bigger than the pain I was already experiencing. And so, I chose to numb the pain.

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The Fear Factor
Pastor Robert Pooley Pastor Robert Pooley

The Fear Factor

With very few exceptions, fear and anxiety are a regular part of most pastors’ lives. Oh, don’t get me wrong, we teach about how to overcome it. We have faith that we are stronger than our fears, but the wicked truth is, fear is a factor for each of us.

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The Culture Of Biblical Restoration
Restoration, Pastoring Pastor Dan Livingston Restoration, Pastoring Pastor Dan Livingston

The Culture Of Biblical Restoration

In over 20 years of ministering to pastors, I have heard one statement over and over again, “If I ever did experience failure of any type, I could never go to anyone within my own denomination or fellowship, because I know If I did, I would be history.” This is a sad understanding of the truth behind the lack of fellowship and relationships within Christian organizations.

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The Perfect Storm
Renovation, Pastoring Pastor Robert Pooley Renovation, Pastoring Pastor Robert Pooley

The Perfect Storm

I felt like I was going through the most difficult season of my life, and these were people that I had poured into when they went through tough times. I felt abandoned. Ministry became harder and harder.

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Oh, I’m Stressed
Renovation, Pastoring Pastor Robert Pooley Renovation, Pastoring Pastor Robert Pooley

Oh, I’m Stressed

See, I can’t promise you that you’ll never have problems. However, I can promise you that you will have problems. But here’s what you need to know: In the midst of your problems, you can have peace, and that is so important.

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When Ministry Doesn’t Feel Like Home
Renovation, Pastoring Pastor Dan Livingston Renovation, Pastoring Pastor Dan Livingston

When Ministry Doesn’t Feel Like Home

We don’t always feel welcome here on earth. We wonder if there is a place here for us. People can make us feel unwanted. Tragedy leaves us feeling like intruders. Strangers in a land not our own. We don’t always feel welcome here, and the truth is we shouldn’t. This is not our home. To feel unwelcome is no tragedy. Indeed it is healthy.

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