One thing we all know as pastors is that ministry can be hard. Even in our most joyous times, we find ourselves in need of preservation to keep ourselves healthy mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Sometimes, in a season of facing burnout, we need help from someone outside our church circle to help as God breathes new life into us through encouragement and prayer as our life is being renovated. Then, sometimes in the darkest times of our lives where we’ve found ourselves in a low place and we’ve made decisions that could be detrimental to ourselves, our families, or our churches, we need restoration. These are times that you find out that you need both a friend and a pastor for yourself. One that understands the joys and sorrows of ministry. Furthermore, one that can empathize with you on your journey because they know what the journey is like. You need someone who has charted these waters before and has seen God’s hand lead them successfully to the other side. You need someone whose primary focus is seeing you, your family, and the church restored and healthy. That’s why Pastor to Pastor exists. Pastor to Pastor is a private ministry not affiliated with any denomination that exists to build up and hold up Pastors, and their families, as they pursue the call of God in their lives and their ministries.